Le célèbre rendez-vous familial se déroulera les week-ends du 5 au 27 novembre 2022 en Floride, dans la ville de Sarasota.
Le Moyen Âge made in USA
Retenez vos week-ends de novembre sur votre parchemin électronique. Voici le festival incontournable célébré à l’approche de Thanksgiving.
Vivez une expérience unique dans une ambiance chaleureuse en totale immersion moyenâgeuse ! Vous pourrez participer aux multiples activités médiévales : tournois de chevaliers, acrobaties spectaculaires ou encore jeux qui fonctionnent à l’huile de coude. Vous apprécierez aussi d’incroyables troubadours, des musiques et danses folkloriques, de nombreux artisans et une restauration gargantuesque en plein air. Soit dit en passant, ne manquez pas les délicieuses cuisses de dinde dorées au barbecue ou les épis de maïs ! Ce Game of Throne familial est une fête 100 % feel good et inoubliable que je vous recommande !
La ville de Sarasota, située sur la côte ouest de la Floride, est réputée notamment pour l’art, son extraordinaire musée du cirque Ringling connu dans le monde entier, ses inoubliables plages de sable blanc, le golf et le jazz, mais aussi les alligators et les réserves naturelles.
Découvrez toute l’actualité du festival sur le site officiel

November 5-27th
Latest Festival News from the team:
« We are so proud to announce the triumphant return of the renowned 18th Annual Sarasota Medieval Fair! The fair will be November 5th-27th, running every weekend on Saturday and Sunday.
For the last 18 years, our team has searched for a location that supported the historic medieval atmosphere that is at the heart of our event. We hoped to find a place that would inspire the imagination through majestic oak trees, lush meadows of grass, and winding creeks. Our dream has become a reality. The Woods of Mallaranny offers 47-acres of stunning natural surroundings that will bring the fair to life.
We can already hear the sounds of the Fair: the shouts of “throw wide the gates!”, laughter at our Children’s Realm, cheers during the equestrian tournaments, and the music from wandering troubadours. And who could forget the aroma of turkey legs and kettle corn in the air?
This year is a pivotal moment for all of us who cherish the festival as more than just an event. The Sarasota Medieval Fair brings together local artisans, performers, and vendors, and serves as a fundraiser to multiple non-profit organizations. It’s a creative forum for learning about the history of the Medieval era through a wide-range of family friendly activities, and an occasion through which our community has made lasting friendships and lifelong memories. A huge thank you to all our participants and guests who have supported us over the years to help us make this dream come alive!
Join the chronicles of our inaugural adventure at our new location, as we celebrate the wonder, the grandeur, the friendships, and the merriment of this year’s Sarasota Medieval Fair. Mark your calendars and stay up to date on our Facebook page as we announce all the exciting news surrounding this year’s festival.
For directions to the fair, the Woods of Mallaranny is located right on SR-70, approximately 13 miles east of I-75 (moments past Lakewood Ranch and across from Dakin Farms). »
More information, map & directions:
Rendez-vous sur la page facebook du Sarasota Medieval Fair pour plus d’informations.